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Selasa, 30 November 2010

Advice for New Moms: Green Street

Dave and I are back from Florida and this week we've got not one but two guest posts coming in my Advice for New Moms series. Today, I'd like to welcome Fran from Green Street. Fran is a fabulous mom with an equally fabulous sense of style and I'm sure you'll find her advice as helpful as I have. Take it away, Fran!* * *Congratulations Averill - I am very happy for you and your husband for your

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Home for the Holidays Christmas Tree


Patricia Gray Inc is honoured to have participated along with Linda Sale Interior Design in their 3rd Annual “Home for the Holidays” fundraising initiative benefiting Canuck Place Children’s Hospice at Sutton Place Hotel. This festive fundraising initiative partnered with local Vancouver businesses to create signature trees that are showcased in the lobby of The Sutton Place Hotel for the month of December.  Please drop by and feast your eyes on the beautiful trees and cast your vote for your favourite.  Thank-you to everyone who voted for their favourite tree and helped us raise proceeds for this important cause.

2010 Sutton Xmas Tree 0032010 Sutton Xmas Tree 004
 2010 Sutton Xmas Tree 0072010 Sutton Xmas Tree 009  2010 Sutton Xmas Tree 013

The tree is decorated with handmade Canuck Jerseys for each team member, and Gingerbread Cookies to represent the Children of the World dressed in their native costumes with each holding the flag of their Country. Click here to see more pictures of the decorations. For more information, please visit Canuck Place Children’s Hospice or Sutton Place Hotel Home for the Holidays.

Photos top left to right: Patricia Gray with clients Arnold & Audrey Armstrong; Patricia Gray with client Linda McGibbon; Patricia Gray with Sara Tye, Creekside Tile; Patricia Gray with Hanan Arabatlian, Aura Interiors.

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about Lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Kamis, 25 November 2010

These Pictures Make Me Smile

I just couldn’t resist posting these pictures and words of wisdom I got in an email from my Dad today.  I usually do not read these types of emails when I receive them other than from my Dad, as he always forwards me the Best of the Best.  It made me smile and feel good, for our little furry friends really do give so much to us.  I hope that it will put a smile on your face also!


A Dog's Purpose?   (From a 6-year-old).
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience. The next day I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly piped up ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try to live.
He said  “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?''
The Six-year-old continued “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply
Love generously
Care deeply
Speak kindly


Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about Lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Bedroom makeover

I mentioned a bedroom I was working on a couple of months ago, you can see the original post here.  We have installed the wallpaper, added some new lamps, mirrors etc....  It's coming along nicely and wanted to show you a sneak peek.  I LOVE the wallpaper, it is absolutely stunning!

Quick Tips To Creating A Cosy Guest Room

Creating a guest room is easy, but to really make it comfortable you have to have something for everyone. The bed and whatnot are important, but the idea that you've specifically made a room 'just for them' can be a deal breaker on your guests staying with you again. Even the pickiest person can sleep well with the black out curtains or blinds in place and properly chosen duvet covers bedding.

Once you have taken care of the sleepy guests, the bored ones are still waiting for some attention. Accessories are important. You might add a book shelf, along with matching tables to put their books on so that when they get ready to rest, there's a place to put them other than the floor!

The addition of a television is essential for those who find it hard to sleep! It doesn't have to be large, but a good one is required. If you have all of this the last thing to be considered is extra cheap bed linen and blankets, and of course making sure that they have extra pillows just in case. A good night's sleep will be so simple in this room with it's comfortable bed and black out window treatments, TV and a good book on the night stand.

You and your guests will enjoy their stay with these ideas implemented and you will be able to rest easy knowing that you worked hard to make their visit enjoyable.

Image: A Life's Design

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year. I absolutely love the holiday's emphasis on family, gratitude and (of course!) food -- especially since those same virtues don't come with the attendant stresses of gifting and performance anxiety that Christmas inevitably seems to put everyone under. After a stressful fall, I'm particularly thankful this year for what I do have: my health, the

Senin, 22 November 2010

Checked out Rue yet?

Some of my favourites from Rue.

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

First Snowfall in Vancouver

View from my terrace 001
View from my terrace

We had our first snow fall in the City last night. I woke up to extreme quiet and looked outside to a winter wonderland.  It is unusual for us to have snow this early in the season if at all downtown……so if this keeps up we will have fantastic ski conditions in Whistler!

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about Lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Quick Tips To Creating A Beautiful Lounge

Picking out furniture can be a chore, especially if you are looking to match what you have painted on the walls. A good couch or love seat is important and you are looking for relaxing comfort, not necessarily looks. If you are looking to keep the room 'warm' avoid leather furniture and stick to plush couches with low key patterns that add character to the room, and don't make themselves the centre of attention.

Wooden furniture is a good idea in this case too; wood adds a rustic, lived in look that you can't beat. A veteran do-it-yourself-er might find interest in purchasing some old tables or other wooden pieces and refinishing them, or if you find modern glass and metal your thing you can purchase or build your lounge around a leather couch or a glass coffee table.

When looking for ready made curtains UK, go with a pattern that compliments your paint job to break up the monotony and go with curtain pole finials that match your furniture - there are wooden and metal ones in a wide variety of designs and styles to match your scheme.

Besides colour accessories as essential. A big coffee table might be in order, or paintings with bold colours to contrast your paint scheme would be a nice addition to your area, add extra softness under foot by adding floor rugs in front of your sofa or chairs. With a little effort, in no time, you should be able simply sit and relax in your liveable lounge.

Image: AtticMag

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Nursery Design: The Beginning

So I'm over 24 weeks into my pregnancy, which gives me less than 16 weeks (or 3.5 months for those unaccustomed to measuring time in weeks) to decorate Baby Boy Conn's nursery. To give you an idea of what we're starting with, above is a shot of the soon-to-be nursery. I had considered cleaning the room out first before taking a photo, but I thought I'd best be totally honest with you guys. As you

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Guest Post at Cottage and Vine

Today you'll find me guest blogging over at Cottage and Vine. This week Rene has been featuring guest bloggers' gift ideas for just about everyone on your list and today she's asked me to share some of my top gift picks for men this holiday season. Please stop by and say "hi" -- and, of course, feel free to share what's on your shopping list this year (I'm always looking for more ideas!).

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Advice for New Moms: (Chef)uality

Today I'm thrilled to welcome my dear sister-in-law Dani , the blogger behind the fantastic food video blog (Chef)uality and mother of two of my all-time favorite kiddos (yes, they also happen to be my nephew and niece, but I'd still argue they're unequivocally awesome and I give Dani tons of credit for how they're turning out). And so, it's little wonder that I've asked for her advice and sage

Senin, 15 November 2010

DwellStudio Stationery

DwellStudio has recently teamed up with Tiny Prints to launch a new line of paper goods. The clean, crisp modern designs combined with the fresh color choices perfectly channel the brand's home and baby offerings. Above is a selection of holiday card designs that I think are particularly charming. Even better, many of these have coordinating gift tags and address labels, ensuring all your paper

Online school interior design - Interior Design Education

Online school interior design - Interior Design Education are becoming very helpful as using interior designs is becoming more and more common in homes, offices, hospitals, and more places. So there will me more need for your interior designing services. So when you study this topic in s specialized school, you'll have lots of great career opportunities in front of you soon.First, you should

The Idea Behind Restfulness is Comfort

You're coming home late from work, and you're tired. All you want to do is go to your room and go to sleep, but it's impossible. The bed is a mess, the window dressings are going to let light inside in just a few hours, and there are clothes everywhere. Sure, you can clean up and make the bed, but what about those tatty old blinds? There has to be a better way to make your bedroom a more relaxing place. The first step is to take an assessment of what you have.

Do you need a new bed?

How about some cheap bed linen?

Those old blinds that keep letting in the sunlight too early could be replaced by a blackout roller blind that keep light completely out.

A few other things and you're on your way to having a brand new bedroom that will allow you to rest.

An old tatty mattress can be the bane of a good night's sleep and a new one would be in order if you aren't comfortable. Picking out a bed should be handled according to how you feel when you sleep, whether you need a firm or a soft mattress. If you are plagued by allergies, trying out some pillow covers or sheets that are hypo-allergenic would be a good idea; consider thread count into the equation to get best value for money.

Using blues or greens in your décor can often aid the relaxation process and ease discomfort when trying to sleep, as well as make your room a place that you can be proud to look at. In addition to your new bed and your new sheets, you might need a way to shut the light out in case you are a day sleeper. If you are looking to keep light out black out curtains or blinds are perfect for this.

Image: Freshome

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Top interior design education - Interior design careers

Designing your life with a career in Top interior design education - Interior design careers can give you the lifetime reward of living with a job you love. Interior design careers are for the creative individual who also has the ability to manage the creativity logically and enjoys working with materials. To be a successful interior designer, you must also be able to communicate the creative and

Top interior design schools - Top interior decorating schools

Programs that are offered in floral design schools in Kansas will vary from those offered in other Top interior design schools - Top interior decorating schools located elsewhere. This is also true for set and fashion design schools. A set design school in Seattle or a Top interior design schools - Top interior decorating schools in New York will have an immense difference in size, atmosphere,

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Order of The Day – The Dining Room

There are several ways to getting your dining room in order. Decide on your colour scheme and what kind of furniture you want, and then accessorise properly. Remember that the table is the centre of the room and every thing else can revolve around it if it is relatively simple and easy to dress up. Curtains and curtain poles can be purchased to match the colour scheme, even if it is metal. The next meal that you have in there could be the best one yet - considering how many compliments you could get if you choose your décor and accessories carefully!

Once you get your colour scheme and decide what kind of furniture you want, you can pick out your accessories, including the window dressing. Kitchen blinds are ideal if your window is situated above your sink as they won't get in the way when pulled up or down.

If you prefer curtains metal curtain poles are ideal for a contemporary styles kitchen. The best thing about metal curtain poles is that they can be purchased to match whatever your kitchen looks like. If you have a lot of metal and glassware the curtain pole brackets and ends can be clear or brushed glass, or even brass or silver depending on what you like or what matches your décor. The best part is that they are relatively inexpensive and can be a great addition to any décor to give it the 'wow' factor!
Image: AtticMag

Kamis, 11 November 2010

Home Office Living Room Design

A lot of us would love the luxury of working from home. Those of you who have it would know what it means: the flexible hours, the freedom, and a comfortable space to work from. The space in your home that you work from and the way it is designed plays a very important role in your productivity and performance. Even if you are a minimalist and would like to make your peace with your little

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Modern Home Office Living Room - Office Living Room Lighting

Contemporary Home Office Living Room - Office Living Room InteriorTop office living room design - Living room office combination

Top White Interior Design Home for Modern Home Decoration

White interior design home for your room will influence the effect of the room and make your room more beautiful clean, fresh and airy feel to your interior design, why not consider interior design ideas in white. The key to using white interior design successfully in your interior design scheme, is to add interest in ways other than color. The overall effect you can get will depend very

top home interior decorating - Top home office interior

New project

I have been very busy helping a client with their main living space which includes the living room, dining room, family room and some small updates in the kitchen.  This is the mood board I originally put together for her living room.  I originally only saw a few pictures of the space before the client moved in and she gave me an idea of her aesthetic.  I wanted to see if this would be the

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Interior design education - Top School Design

Advice for New Moms: Emily A. Clark

Today's sage advice on motherhood comes from Emily of Emily A. Clark, interior decorator, mommy of three, and DIY-genius. I'm particularly grateful for all the "what not to waste your time/money on" advice that's been featured in so many of these guest posts (including this one!). In fact, I'm off to delete some more items from my registry now. * * *I'm so happy for Averill and her husband on

Perfect Pastels in the Lounge

Pastels maybe gong out of fashion but you have to admit in your want a lounge which emits peace and calm these colour combinations take a lot of beating.

The great thing about pastels is that you can bring as many colours as you like, just so long as they are complimenting each other. With a quiet room like this you'll also need to find a focal point, which is typically associated around the TV in most homes; you'll also need to 'ground' the style by using floor rugs in cream or beige otherwise you could end up with a room which looks too 'floaty'.

Keeping to pastels shades does provide a beautiful canvass on which to work, just like a painting, but in my opinion these colours aren't child or pet friendly and can only really be used in homes with singles or couples – before you shoot me down in flames – either that or ban the kids and pets from the room otherwise you may find the whole illusion ruined by pet hairs or kid's accidents!

This style of room is ideal for those who have the benefit of a large home with a separate family room; in some ways like an old fashioned parlour which was only used when guests arrived! Add table lamps UK to compliment the gentle tones during the evenings.

Image: House of Turquoise

Jumat, 05 November 2010

Top interior design - Home interior decorating

Top interior design - Home interior decoratingTop interior design - Home interior decoratingTop interior design - Home interior decoratingTop interior design - Home interior decorating

Best and top interior design

Best and top interior designBest and top interior designBest and top interior design

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Annie Selke's Ranch

This month, House Beautiful wrapped up its series chronicling designer Annie Selke's transformation of a dated ranch into her home. I'm an avid fan of renovation shows, so it's little wonder I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Annie's journey each month (if you haven't been following, you can read all eight installments HERE). What I loved most though was how well Annie was able express her own

Rabu, 03 November 2010

What's in a name?

To borrow a line from Shakespeare, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." But what about a little boy? While I'm normally the type of person who makes quick, confident decisions, I find myself almost completely immobilized when it comes to naming my future son. I'm afraid of making the wrong decision, of saddling my son with an overly popular or trendy name, of having the other parents

On-Trend Colour Combinations – Yellow and Grey

If you like the thought of a neutral lounge that is light and airy, but you wish to have more warmth then a light creamy yellow may be your answer. This works wonderfully in a small lounge that needs to combine lots of light with the cosy factor!

Begin with white walls all around and a dark wood floor - perhaps giving it a new stain if needed; in the end you will just catch a glimpse of the flooring around the edge but it will make all the difference in a darker, bordering colour. An area rug brings in comfort but opens the space in a textured white. Choose sofa and chairs to be arranged around a coffee table - this is your opportunity too to bring in that creamy yellow with upholstered sofa chairs.

Grey comes in the picture with chrome accessories, metallic coffee table and softly patterned white and grey cheap cushion covers. Finish the look with floaty ready made curtains UK that add height to the room when hung from ceiling to floor - choose white with that same creamy yellow coming in with a pattern or motif.

Image: Bright, Bold & Beautiful

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Advice for New Moms: Pink Wallpaper

Today I'm thrilled to welcome back Shannon Darby, designer, mom and blogger behind Pink Wallpaper and The Designer's Attic. I've been a huge fan of Shannon's killer sense of style for a few years now, so it's little wonder that I'm completely in love with all the products she recommends here. It's great to know that there are plenty of functional -- yet still stylish -- baby products available

Senin, 01 November 2010

Millionaire lottery home

I got a chance to visit the new lottery home not far from where I live this past weekend.  I don't go to all of the lottery homes but this one looked pretty spectacular from the outside. The interior was done by Kelly Deck who is a local interior designer here in Vancouver and I have to say that I was really impressed.   A few of the highlights for me was the kitchen/great room, the master

Contemporary Home Office Living Room - Office Living Room Interior

Contemporary Home Office Living Room - Office Living Room InteriorTop office living room design - Living room office combination

Decorating with Quentin Blake

As a child, my primary passion was drawing; in fact, I spent the first ten to twelve years of my life convinced I was going to be a children's book illustrator or Disney animator. Little wonder then that two of my leading role models were Walt Disney and Quentin Blake, an English illustrator and author who is probably most famous for illustrating the works of Roald Dahl. Dahl's fantastical,