Okay I've been tagged by Joni
Cote de Texas , Laura
Orange Beautiful and Susan
The Kitchen Designer. That is three times now and I can see that there is no avoiding this any longer.......soooo the rules of the game are to divulge 7 facts/habits and bits of trivia about myself.....and try not to embarass myself in the process. Here goes:
1. My favourite color is yellow and always has been ever since I can remember, although I have never worn yellow or used it in my home but I did own a yellow car many years ago.

2. I love ironing. Yes as strange as it seems I find it relaxing and almost meditative. I was raised in a home where ironing was a fine art and I was taught how to properly iron everything from men's shirts to bedsheets and even underwear. To get a perfect ironing job, cotton & linen needs to be dampened and left to cure in the freezer. Then the iron has to be the perfect temperature. Voila perfect crisp ironing. Martha would be so proud of me.

3. I use
ironed linen napkins and my silver cutlery at every meal.

4. I recently purchased a magnificent piece of oceanfront property. I fell in love with it on first sight. It is on an island that has no public boat transportation to it. You need to have your own boat to get to it and then you need to have a vehicle on the island to get to the property. The only way to get anything to the island is by barge. I have neither boat or vehicle. To further complicate matters there is no power or other amenities there and I am not exactly what you would call the outdoorsy type more like a girly girl type. But I am sure that I will be able to figure out all these minor details (ha) and one day build my dream home there. So this weekend will be the first time to my property since I purchased it 1 1/2 years ago. I have a friend who has a sail boat. And on Sunday we will set sail for my island property to spend the day. Here is a
map of where my property is on Gambier Island.

5. I love dogs - all dogs and especially mine. She is a 4 1/2 pound (soaking wet) Yorkshire Terrier named Nicole. She has a collection of designer clothes and even a Balenciagia carrying bag. She goes to the office with me every day and has her own business card. Her job title is VP of Security. She guards the door against the postman and couriers and when they see her barking ferociously at them, they inevitably laugh .

7. I used to grow roses on my downtown roof top garden in pots and would enter my roses in competitions alongside others that had magnificent & stately acres of gardens. I was told that certain roses could not be grown in pots, especially the rose "Queen Elizabeth" which is of the Grandiflora variety and reaches heights of over 10 feet. I guess I like a challenge and won a blue ribbon for this rose.

7. I am the second person from Vancouver ever to be published in
Architectural Digest magazine.

There you are for what it's worth. Don't be afraid to leave a comment I won't tag you.
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