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Rabu, 05 September 2007

David Ward artist for Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor House and Garden Feb 1991
Artist Charles Arnoldi

Below is a picture I posted awhile back titled Calling Card Chic. I had the pictures in my files for awhile and had always liked it but couldn't remember where I had gotten it. To my surprise yesterday the artist, David Ward, who had done the organic stick art on the wall in this very same picture contacted me. I have long been an admirer of Michael Taylor's work and did a retrospective posting on his work that showed the room above with his signature trademark, with this same stick art. Also I was recently in the Michael Taylor showroom in Chicago where David Ward has another piece of this artwork. As a designer I have so many images running through my mind on a 24/7 basis that I don't always consciously know the sources for everything. So I think it is quite serendipitous that David contacted me to introduce himself and I was able to piece all these images together, and above all to have found the artist of this fantastic artwork. That is another reason, among many, that I love the blogging world. You make connections that you might never have made.

Michael Taylor headquarters designed by Jeffrey Weisman of Fisher Weisman
Stick Art by David Ward

This is a lighting fixture that David has just completed for a Tea Bar called Teance in Berkeley California. Fu Tung Cheng is the designer and owner. Fu Tung Cheng also has a stove hood fans that he has designed for Zephyr.

David Ward also does rock art, which I think is stunning and bold.

More of David's designs above and below

Visit David's web-site

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