Finding somewhere to display objects can be a bit daunting when searching for something that is more innovative than just plain shelving!
This honeycombed style display unit is made from beautiful polished marble. I love the variations in the size of the compartments and the unusual angles. The ideal place to display all manner of favourite objects in a quirky way! However, you’d have to have a large home in which to place this more than substantial single piece unit.
The chair is also made from one piece of marble, a stunning design which compliments the unit wonderfully. The honeycomb cell has been replicated in the hollowed out base with great effect.
I’d be interested to know just how much each piece weighs, particularly the honeycomb unit and the techniques used to create such beautiful designs!
For commercial use the unit looks stunning without any display objects. The unit creates its own visual impact. I can image it being used as part of a contemporary style concourse or situated in large modern office block foyer which also have polished marble floors and reflective surfaces to compliment both pieces.
Designed by Marc Newson both the unit and chair have each been created from single pieces of enormous marble, some achievement!
Newson has been designing a wide variety of different domestic and commercial objects and interior spaces for many years. His designs include furniture, interiors, timepieces, objects and transport!
To find out more about his work visit
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